Sunday, March 23, 2008

Dutch Protest Against Yet to be Seen Movie

A lot of people were duped into thinking was an official site for Fitna. It's not, so we're just going to have to wait till Geert Wilders' releases it on youtube or by handing out DVDs on the streets of Amsterdam.

I bet a lot of people are happy Geert Wilders' site has been shut down by network solutions including some people who took ot the streets of Amsterdam to protest his yet to be seen movie.Reuters

"There should be restrictions on what Wilders can say"
Funny how the people who protest against fascism are the ones who wish to implement it.

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - About one thousand people protested in central Amsterdam on Saturday against right-wing lawmaker Geert Wilders and the imminent release of his film expected to be critical of the Koran.

Anti-racism protesters clad in winter clothing against the freezing cold and drizzling rain held placards that said "Enough is enough" and "Stop the witch-hunt against Muslims."
"We can no longer remain silent. There is a climate of hate and fear in the Netherlands," said spokesman Rene Danen from anti-racism organization Nederland Bekent Kleur (the Netherlands recognizes color differences), which had organized the protest.

There should be restrictions on what Wilders can say, said Rieke, a 61-year-old Amsterdam arts teacher who declined to give her last name.

"I think it is embarrassing what Wilders says, for example about tearing up the Koran. It is a very bad example to people to let him say whatever he wants," she said.


"The film is not so much about Muslims as about the Koran and Islam. The Islamic ideology has as its utmost goal the destruction of what is most dear to us, our freedom," he wrote in a commentary in Dutch daily De Volkskrant on Saturday.

"Fitna is the last warning for the West. The fight for freedom has only just begun," he said.

Related Posts: Shut Down
"We're Sorry For Fitna"
Geert Wilders Will Not Be Silenced
Dutch PM Warns Europe of Blacklash to Geert Wilders' Movie
Iran's Veiled Threat to Geert Wilders
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Dutch Want to See Fitna Regardless of Consequences
Geert Wilder's Movie 'Propagates Hate'
Interview with Geert Wilders

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