Tuesday, April 7, 2009

First picture of North Korean rocket – but no sign of satellite

North Korea will deny that their Satellite Missile launch failed , regardless of the proof otherwise , Whatever they have to do to keep up the image of little Kimmie , and to save face with their people , they will do .


It isn’t a bird, it isn’t a plane, and it’s certainly not Superman – but is it a satellite? Two days after North Korea’s launch of a long-range rocket rattled the rest of the world, there is still no agreement on what it was actually doing.

A US research institute has released the first photographs of Sunday’s launch of the Musudan-ri launch site in the north-east of North Korea. They clearly show the rocket’s smoke trail across the forested hills and the fiery trail of the projectile itself. But where did it end up?

The North Korean state media repeated their claim yesterday that the launch had been a complete success, pitching into orbit the Kwangmyongsong 2, or ‘Lodestar’, satellite. The name is one of the titles awarded to the country’s supreme leader, Kim Jong Il, who witnessed the launch and reportedly expressed great satisfaction with what sounds less like a communications beacon than a giant musical box.

“Our satellite is transmitting the immortal revolutionary paeans The Song of General Kim Il Sung and The Song of General Kim Jong-il as well as measured information to the earth,” the Korean Central News Agency reported. Both are hymns to Mr Kim and his father, the founding president of North Korea.


Dinah Lord said...

On second thought, (see comment up thread) we should have taken the son of a gun out right on the launch pad.

I'm still ticked about the whole business.

#1 infidel said...

Yeah that would have been something to see Dinah , little Kimmie sitting there watching the countdown then Boom , The sombitch Blows up !!!