Monday, February 18, 2008

Kosovo: A Window into Europe's Future

Click over to JihadWatch for background info.
"the United States leads the way for the creation of a predominantly Muslim country in the very heart of Europe.” Tom Lantos (D-CA), and now it's here. This is not good news at all. Kosovo is a prime case study how demographics can fundamentally change a community or region. The whole of Western Europe is blindly racing into the same fate as Kosovo.

Already you have no go areas in England and France. Shariah courts are operating in England. There are numerous riots attributed to 'youths' in France, and Denmark. Certain politicians and artists are forced to live in fear and hiding. How much longer before there's a repeat of the 98-99 Serbian war across Europe? Can Europe afford a muslim majority country susceptible to a 'radical' ideology?

With a muslim majority, cash infusions from Saudi Arabia, Kosovo may become a jumping stage into the rest of Europe for jihadists. John Bolton recently said "Kosovo will be a weak country submissive to Islamic radical forces which will spread its influence in the area with the support of singular Albanians and so potentially open the door to radicals in Europe"

Kosovo is a potential pool of recruits for groups like al Qaida to exploit. Especially since the potential recruits are physically indisguishable from any other native European.

Granting muslims a country in Europe will not give the US or EU long term gratitude or any from muslims worldwide. This action might in fact embolden the more radical adherents of Islam and result in more concessions from the West to placate them.

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