Sunday, February 17, 2008

Stop Internet Terrorism

We want you to Stop Internet Terroism!
The website is the sister site to Youtube Smackdown. Go over and help Smackdown terrorist propaganda. It's fast and really easy.


Anonymous said...

Kyros - thank you VERY much for linking to S.I.T.
Some clarification -
YouTube Smackdown consists of violence and hate speech videos.
At S.I.T. we post strictly Juba/sniper videos.

On these two projects - spending even a couple of minutes a day flagging the videos has tremendous value - not only for what we are trying to do - but for anyone who participates.

Rickbert said it best very early on about why he was taking up the task of trying to get jihad videos off of YouTube. Ending his post "How Does It Make You Feel" he wrote -
"I do it because I want to feel useful. Not Useful, just useful. I do it because, with respects to Michael Yon, our Soldiers, and John Milton, I like to think they also serve who only sit and click."

Again Kyros - THANK you!

kyros said...

Yeah np. I saw you guys linked to me so I returned the favour. But even if you hadn't had linked to me I was would've added you to my blogroll.