Thursday, June 26, 2008

What Did $11 Billion of Aid to Pakistan Get Us?

To make a long story*t.

Since 2002 the US has given almost $11 billion of military and economic aid to Pakistan. Approximately 72% of the total aid was meant for security, counter-narcatics, military, training of frontier corps, coalition support funds, nuclear non-poliferation, and anti-terrorism initiatives.

So let's see what Pakistan has done to meet their end of the bargain.

1. Attacks up 40% in Afghanistan.
This is because of the peace deals Pakistan has signed with the terrorists in Talistan. Therfore, the terrorists are able to focus their enery on attacking NATO forces in Afghanistan.

2. The AQ Khan nuke proliferation ring.
True this ring was up and running before 2002 but the Pakistanis haven't been forthcoming with information. The ring is widely believed to have provided nuclear weapons technology to Iran, North Korea and Libya. Since 2003, the Pakistani government has refused to allow any foreign intelligence agencies from interrogating AQ Khan.

3. Pakistani ISI helps the taliban.
Pakistani intelligence agents and paramilitary forces have helped train taliban terrorists and have given them information of NATO troop movements in Afghanistan. At the beginning of June 11, Pakistani paramilitary soldiers, who were suspicously close to taliban terrorists, were killed by a US air-strike.

4. Pakistan routinely complains of US air-strikes against taliban terrorists in talistan.

5. About $2 billion of aid unaccounted for.
A report by the US Government Accountability Office says that about $2 billion dollars of military aid to Pakistan may not have been spent as intended.

6. NATO equipment shipped through Pakistan is lost, or damaged on route to Afghanistan.
Since April 4 US helicopter engines, worth $13 million, were 'lost' by a Pakistani trucking company. Back in March NATO had expressed interest in shipping equipment and troops through Russia to Afghanistan because Pakistan is unreliable.

Nice huh? We could've spent that money for a program to develop alternative energy sources so we wouldn't have to be dependent on Saudi Arabia (another important 'ally').


Anonymous said...

Man.... For years I've been saying (repeating this like a broken record) that Pakistan is not nor has it ever been an ally in GWOT. In fact, quite the opposite....

kyros said...

absolutely correct and until our politicians figure this out it'll be tough to win in Afghanistan

Anonymous said...

This is pure ignorant bullsh*t.. what kind of un-intelligent report (and comments) is that. Everyone knows that the US funded billions of dollars worth of aid and established training camps(hence the reason why the US knows where they are, and the Pakistani's often dont!) during the Afghan war. Pakistan hosted over 5-6 million refugees and many ''foreigners'' were brought to Pakistan compliments of the CIA, US government. Pakistan a poor and impoverished nation has not been given its due respects, no wonder why they mistrust us in the USA. We've always supported military dictators in that country and have worked against democracy there. Pakistan needs more support to its institutions, its civilian government and it more importantly its people. All the negative effects of our ruthless policy with this ally are coming back to haunt us. We must help this time tested ally and cut all the BullSh*t and finger pointing out!