Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Japanese Aid Worker Killed in Afghanistan

Earlier this week, taliban terrorists kidnapped Kazuya Ito, along with two of his Afghan colleagues when they were inspecting an irrigation project. Afghan police launched a rescue mission to try to rescue Ito but were only successful in releasing his Afghan colleagues. According to Japanese Embassy officials, who travelled to the city of Jalalabad to identify the body, confirmed Ito was killed. His body bore multiple bullet wounds. BBC

A Japanese aid worker who was kidnapped in Afghanistan earlier this week has been killed, Afghan officials say.

Police in the eastern province of Nangahar say they have recovered the body of Kazuya Ito, 31.

Mr Ito, an engineer, was kidnapped on Tuesday while inspecting an irrigation project, according to local officials.

The Afghan army and police launched a rescue mission but say they were only able to free two Afghan colleagues working with the Japanese man.
Mr Ito had been working for a Japanese aid agency, Peshawar-kai.

He had been shot several time.

He is the third Japanese citizen to be kidnapped and killed in Afghanistan in the last three years.

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