Monday, September 15, 2008

2nd Trial for the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development

The same trial which CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator. New York Sun

Prosecutors are set today to take a second run at convicting officers of a Texas-based charity that the government contends was a Hamas beachhead in America, the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development.[...]

"It's hugely important in terms of what the overall law enforcement approach is going be for the government in the post-9/11 era," a former federal terrorism prosecutor, Andrew McCarthy, said. "It's desperately important that we make it unambiguous that we can use the 'material support' statutes and go after the financial element of radical Islam."

Prosecutors contend that the Holy Land Foundation, formerly known as the Occupied Land Fund, was part of a web of groups across the globe set up on behalf of Hamas, a Palestinian Arab political movement that has killed hundreds of Israelis in suicide bombings and other attacks in recent years. The indictment claims that the foundation, which once billed itself as America's largest Muslim charity, funneled $12 million to local Palestinian relief groups, known as Zakat committees, which were under the control of Hamas.

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