Friday, September 19, 2008

Omar Bakri's New Islamic Group in Britain

Britsh Labour MP Andrew is bringing attention to a new islamic group in Britain, Islam4uk. One of the group's founders is islamic hate preacher Omar Bakri Mohammed. This is the same guy who threatened PaulMcCartney, and who called for a 9/11 terrorist attack in Britain. Omar Bakri was expelled from Britain after the 7/7 terror attacks.Telegraph

The web-based group, Islam4uk, planned the event - entitled Muslim Youth: The Spark of the Fire - to take place in east London tonight.

Among its founders are the radical preacher Omar Bakri Mohammed - who is living in exile in Lebanon - and former solicitor Anjem Choudary, who both played a part in Al Muhajiroun.

Labour MP Andrew Dismore, who called for the prohibition of Al Muhajiroun 10 years ago, said: "The trouble is they just keep re-inventing themselves.

"They are using the internet and Bakri can preach from the web from across the world without fear of being put under a control order or prosecuted."

Referring to the youth conference, Mr Dismore said: "They always target children, that is why the Government has to be vigilant and keep on top of this - we have got to keep bringing them in."

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