Somali pirates have hit a goldmine this morning when they hijacked a Ukranian cargo ship. The ship was carrying RPGs, Zu-23 anti-aircraft guns and 30 Russian T-72 tanks. You can bet these weapons will end up in al Shabaab's posession. Times Online
The pirates would hardly have been able to believe their eyes as they inspected the hold of their latest conquest, the Faina.
The Ukrainian vessel was heading for the Kenyan port of Mombasa loaded down with rocket-propelled grenades, anti-aircraft guns and 30 Russian T-72 tanks.
“They really hit the jackpot this time,” said a regional arms expert. “There is not much they can do with the tanks, but the RPGs and the Zu-23 anti-aircraft guns will soon find their way into Somalia’s arms markets.
“These are the sort of weapons that fighters in Somalia really like.”
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