Thursday, October 16, 2008

al Qaida terrorist allowed to stay in Britain and collect benefits

It seems like every day a story of Britain slipping into dhimmitude comes out. You have British soldiers fighting al Qaida and the taliban in Afghanistan and the British government is allowing a member of al Qaida to stay in Britain and collect benefits! This is just plain ludacris. No wonder the jihadis think they can take over Western civilization from the inside. The Sun via Jihad Watch

AN Egyptian al-Qaeda suspect and his family have won permission to live in Britain — and claim hundreds in benefits a month.

Ministers gave Hany Youssef “discretionary leave to remain”, even though the Home Office admits he is on a UN list of people “belonging to or linked” to the terror group.

The decision means he can stay in Britain with his wife and five kids up to 2011. He is also free to claim housing benefit, child tax credits and Jobseekers’ Allowance.

They have already been living in a house in Hammersmith, West London, at taxpayers’ expense.


Youssef came here in 1994 and applied for asylum.

He was held briefly in 1999 under anti-terror laws and Tony Blair said it was “crazy” he could not be deported.

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