Monday, October 20, 2008

Military report: Terms 'jihad,' 'Islamist' needed

7 years late. Washington Times

A U.S. military "Red Team" charged with challenging conventional thinking says that words like "jihad" and "Islamist" are needed in discussing 21st-century terrorism and that federal agencies that avoid the words soft-pedaled the link between religious extremism and violent acts.

"We must reject the notion that Islam and Arabic stand apart as bodies of knowledge that cannot be critiqued or discussed as elements of understanding our enemies in this conflict," said the internal report, a copy of which was obtained by The Washington Times.

The report, "Freedom of Speech in Jihad Analysis: Debunking the Myth of Offensive Words," was written by unnamed civilian analysts and contractors for the U.S. Central Command, which is responsible for the Middle East and South Asia. It is thought to be the first official document to challenge those in the government who seek to downplay the role of Islam in inspiring some terrorist violence.

"The fact is our enemies cite the source of Islam as the foundation for their global jihad," the report said. "We are left with the responsibility of portraying our enemies in an honest and accurate fashion."
Indeed, pointhing this out will not lead to more terrorism but will lead to an informed public.

1 comment:

#1 infidel said...

one of the downfalls of being politically correct is that you can't call people out for what they are ! Muslims are the worst at this ,if you saY that their religion is evil and it leads to violence and murder they get pissed and try to stop you from saying it , I say call it like you see it ,everyone knows where you stand when you do!