Thursday, November 6, 2008

Israel cautions against Obama dialogue with Iran

How can you have dialogue with Ahmadinejad who is hell bent on creating world turmoil in order to usher in Mahdi the 12th Imam. This is Iran's only advantage. Dialogue with Iran, ie. sanctions, will only buy time for Iran to complete its nukes. With the nukes Ahmadinejad can truly create turmoil. Attack Iran to stop it from making nukes creates turmoil. Exactly what Ahmadinejad wants.


JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel said Thursday U.S. President-elect Barack Obama's stated readiness to talk to Iran could be seen in the Middle East as a sign of weakness in efforts to persuade Tehran to curb its nuclear program.

"We live in a neighborhood in which sometimes dialogue -- in a situation where you have brought sanctions, and you then shift to dialogue -- is liable to be interpreted as weakness," Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said, asked on Israel Radio about policy change toward Tehran in an Obama administration.

Her remarks sounded the first note of dissonance with Obama by a senior member of the Israeli government since the Democrat's sweeping victory over Republican candidate John McCain in the U.S. presidential election Tuesday.

Asked if she supported any U.S. dialogue with Iran, Livni replied: "The answer is no."

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