Monday, December 8, 2008

U.S. Is Losing Global Cyberwar, Commission Says

With constant Attacks from china This comes as no surprise !
As usual ,our Government is "Behind in everything"Always playing catch up!
So Again the answer for them is to create a new Office ! the Center for cybersecurity!
But knowing our Government and the way they can miss-manage Everything , It would probably be better left To a Civilian entity funded by the government !

Business week
Center for Cybersecurity Operations is proposed to protect military, government, and corporate electronics from criminals and other nations

The U.S. faces a cybersecurity threat of such magnitude that the next President should move quickly to create a Center for Cybersecurity Operations and appoint a special White House advisor to oversee it. Those are among the recommendations in a 44-page report by the U.S. Commission on Cybersecurity, a version of which will be made public today. The bipartisan panel includes executives, high-ranking military officers and intelligence officials, leading specialists in computer security, and two members of Congress.

To compile the report, which is entitled "Securing Cyberspace in the 44th Presidency," commission members say they reviewed tens of thousands of pages of undisclosed documentation, visited forensics labs and the National Security Agency, and were briefed in closed-door sessions by top officials from Pentagon, CIA, and British spy agency MI5. From their research, they concluded that the U.S. badly needs a comprehensive cybersecurity policy to replace an outdated checklist of security requirements for government agencies under the existing Federal Information Security Management Act.

The report calls for the creation of a Center for Cybersecurity Operations that would act as a new regulator of computer security in both the public and private sector. Active policing of government and corporate networks would include new rules and a "red team" to test computers for vulnerabilities now being exploited with increasing sophistication and frequency by identity and credit card thieves, bank fraudsters, crime rings, and electronic spies. "We're playing a giant game of chess now and we're losing badly," says commission member Tom Kellermann, a former World Bank security official who now is vice-president of security at Boston-based Core Strategy. More at Business week


kyros said...

We invented the internet so therefore we should be the master of it too. Can't afford to fall behind anyone, especially China.

But I have faith in our programmers. Most computer languages are based on the English language which I believe gives us an advantage over the Chinese.

#1 infidel said...

I agree !