Sunday, February 22, 2009

LOL...apparently I am an evil tyrant

Akhter from Bradford Britain, tries to paint me as an evil tyrant because I supposedly misquoted the quran. When posting quranic verses I always include the entire verse and I never alter any words. My quotes from the quran are always verbatim.

So somehow because of my verbatim quotes from the quran, I am 'insulting islam' by 'misquoting the quran'. By 'doing so, [I am following] in the footsteps of historical tyrants who performed ethnic cleansing by painting a certain group as evil'

In Akhet's drawn out response to my why islam? post regarding quranic verse 2:191 he quotes Ansar Al Adl from islam news room. Al Adl states

"It is the duty of Muslims to defend humanity from oppression and persecution and to establish justice. Muslims believe that God has placed us here on earth as his deputy or viceroy, and thus, it is our duty to enjoin the good and forbid the evil, to establish peace and justice in the land. Dr. Maher Hathout writes the following on verses"
In islam, 'oppression and persecution' can be defines as any land on Earth where muslims live but do not rule with islamic law. So therefore it is incumbent upon the muslims to establish islamic law. They establish islamic law through jihad.

We all know how tolerant/peaceful islamic law can be...death for anyone who leaves islam, death by stoning for promiscuious behavoir, amputation of hands for stealing, second class citizenship for non-muslims, men are allowed to marry 6 year old girls, women are only worth half that as men etc...

Al Adl goes on to say that jihadists 'are never allowed to attack innocent people'. But who are innocent in the eyes of the jihadists? Only muslims are innocents according to islamic jurists, so any terrorist attacks that targeted US, British, Spainish, Jewish civilians are legitimate in their eyes because the people killed are not innocent. In Afghanistan and Iraq where terrorists frequently kill other muslims, the terrorists claim that the muslims killed are apostates of islam and therefore deserve to be killed.

In any case, I will continue to quote the quran verbatim. If I 'malign islam' by quoting its texts then you should blame muhammed for giving islam a bad rap.


#1 infidel said...

Kyros, I did not know you were so mean and misunderstanding towards Islum !
Seriously though That guy is whacked , And a bloated windbag !

kyros said...

lol, you have to be a bloated windbag to be a devout follower of islam