Friday, April 10, 2009

British Government Wants to Bolster Moderate Islam in Search Results

Good intentions but this won't lead possible jihadists to moderate sites. How do you bolster moderate islamic search rankings when jihadists are searching for goat porn jihad and are there any goats in paradise? or hijab sex suicide bomber? BTW those are real search terms which some islamoturds used and stumbled across to this site. Security Management

04/10/2009 -

The British government plans to teach pro-Western, moderate Islamic groups how to bolster their rank in search engine results in an effort to drown out extremist voices online and reduce online radicalization, reports The Register.

The Office of Security and Counter-Terrorism (OSCT), a 200-strong Home Office unit created 18 months ago, has said in meetings it wants to "flood the internet" with "positive" interpretations of Islam. It plans to train government-approved groups in search engine optimization techniques (SEO), which it's hoped will boost their profile online and battle radicalisation.

The effort, according to The Register, is part of the British government's anti-radicalization strategy to prevent Muslims from embracing more radical forms of Islam that could end in jihadist terror. Almost four years ago, four homegrown jihadists perpetuated a string of suicide bombings against London's transportation system. The attacks killed 52 people during their morning commute.


#1 infidel said...

Well , I think we need to help flood the internet with, Our own positive view of Islam , You know to help out , I'm sure there would be a lot of suggestions like ,

BrokeBack Jihad !
Jihad donkey love !

Dinah Lord said...

It's freaking come to this for the UK.


Here's my suggestion, #1:

"Mohammed's Goat milk fudgepacker"