Thursday, May 7, 2009

Get ready for Saudi's Miss Beautiful Morals

"The winner won't necessarily be pretty,"

How the hell will you be able to tell? AP

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) — Sukaina al-Zayer is an unlikely beauty queen hopeful. She covers her face and body in black robes and an Islamic veil, so no one can tell what she looks like. She also admits she's a little on the plump side.

But at Saudi Arabia's only beauty pageant, the judges don't care about a perfect figure or face. What they're looking for in the quest for "Miss Beautiful Morals" is the contestant who shows the most devotion and respect for her parents.
Ahhhh actually Suadi Arabia does regularly hold beauty pageants, just not the kind you and me are used to.
"The idea of the pageant is to measure the contestants' commitment to Islamic morals... It's an alternative to the calls for decadence in the other beauty contests that only take into account a woman's body and looks," said pageant founder Khadra al-Mubarak.

"The winner won't necessarily be pretty," she added.

1 comment:

#1 infidel said...

Oh man , That one in the white headscarf ! Man she is pretty daring !
All kidding aside this is a truly sick picture !