Saturday, May 16, 2009

Taliban rocket kills worshippers leaving mosque

A rocket fired by the taliban hit a mosque in Khost killing 5. Expect protests across Afghanistan against the taliban, international human rights groups to denounce such barbaric actions and for the UN to issue a stern statement condemning the killing of innocent muslim worshippers.

Oh what? The above only happens when NATO forces are accused of killing people? Earth Times

Kabul - A rocket fired by insurgents from Pakistani tribal area targeting a US military base in eastern Afghanistan hit a mosque, killing five worshippers, officials said Saturday. Two of the rockets landed in open areas, while the third hit a mosque in Khost city, the capital for the south-eastern province of the same name on late Friday, Abdul Qayoum Baqizoy, the provincial police chief, said.

The rocket hit the mosque as the worshippers were leaving the compound, he said. "Five civilians were killed and six others were wounded in the attack that was fired by enemies of Islam."

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