Tuesday, June 23, 2009

US to limit air strikes in Afghanistan

The new US commander in Afghanistan will announce reduced number of air strikes inside Afghanistan in order to reduce the number of civilian casualties. Have you ever heard of the taliban announcing that they were reduce the number of suicide bomber attacks in order to limit civilian casualties? In fact, it is the taliban who kill more civilians in Afghanistan than anyone else, by about 3-4 times more.

In my opinion this is a wrong move, how can you fight a war with your arms tied behind your back while your opponent has no limits? The number of civilians killed in Afghanistan is not why the population is against the US and NATO. If that was the case the population would have turned against the taliban a long time ago. The population is against the US because they can't stand non-muslims occupying muslim lands. BBC

The new US commander in Afghanistan is expected to issue new orders limiting the use of air strikes to reduce civilian casualties, officials say.

Gen Stanley McChrystal is due to tell troops to break off from fire fights with the Taliban rather than call in air strikes that might kill civilians.

The changes come amid increasing tension between Kabul and Washington over the number of civilian casualties.

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