Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Britain renews call to talk to the taliban

Apparently these idiots haven't learned anything from Pakistan's mistake of talking to the taliban. The taliban are stronger than ever since agreeing to a truce with Pakistan. Now Pakistan is desperately trying to uproot the taliban, but elements within Pakistan's ruling elite will not let that happen. Guardian

The British government today stepped up pressure for talks with more moderate elements of the Taliban as Afghanistan announced its first provincial ceasefire agreement with the militants.

The foreign secretary, David Miliband, said the insurgency was "divided", with many of those fighting against international forces doing so for "pragmatic" rather than ideological reasons.

Speaking at Nato's headquarters in Brussels, he said the Afghan authorities should offer incentives to persuade insurgents to switch allegiances.
Who are these "moderate taliban"? Where can you find them? What can of incentives can you offer to these mysterious "moderate taliban". They've already been promised 72 virgin goats in hell by their homosexual prophet mohammed.

Best solution is just to kill all the taliban. Problem solved.

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