Monday, July 27, 2009

What the Modern Warfare 2 Trailer Tells Us

Sounds like fun ! Watch the video to see the last few seconds , It will be Hilarious , Sticky Grenades !

Over here at EndSights, much like the rest of you (or not), we’ve taken a glance or fifty at the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Through all these looks, here are some of the things we’ve noticed in the trailer:

* Rio de Janeiro appears to be confirmed as a location, as the “Christ the Redeemer” statue can be clearly seen in trailer.
* You’ll now be able to stick foes with grenades.
* There will be customized killstreak loadouts.
* There are 15 different killstreak rewards for you to choose from.
* One of the confirmed killstreak loadouts is the AC130 gunship, which was one of the highlights of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
* Ability to take out the AC130 gunship with an RPG
* Ability to lock-onto targets with RPGs — in the trailer, you can see the missile that is headed towards the AC130 gunship curve. Also, notice the beeping sound it makes as the RPG is held in place.
* At least one gun that will have radar-mounted on it — so when you bring up the iron sights, radar will be right in your field of vision.
* “Buzzkilling” challenge — get points for killing someone on a killstreak.
* “Payback” challenge — challenge that nets you points for killing a player that had killed you earlier in the match
* Increase in points per kill. It appears that 50 points will now be rewarded per kill, as compared to Modern Warfare’s 10. It’s unclear whether that will have any impact on leveling quicker.
* Footage is taken from the Xbox 360 version of the game.
* You will be playing as a U.S. Army Ranger for at least part of the game — a U.S. Army Ranger symbol is present.


1 comment:

kyros said...

ooooooh man!!!!! MP looks sick! Really looking forward to the AC130