Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Al Qaida terrorist who blew himself up on Saudi Prince's jet hid explosives up his ass

This was bound to happen sooner or later. Mix homosexual tendencies with a desire to blow yourself up, it's inevitable that someone will stick TNT up their ass. Gulf NEws via Jihad Watch

KHOBAR, Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia has tightened security at oil facilities after the country's anti-terror chief, Deputy Interior Minister Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, escaped a suicide attack, guards at Abqaiq, the world's biggest oil processing plant, said yesterday....

Al Qaeda, meanwhile, claimed responsibility for the suicide attack and said that the bomber, Abdullah Hassan Taleh Al Asiri, had managed to pass security checkpoints and board a private aircraft, Site Intelligence said yesterday.[...]

Saudi-owned Al Arabiya TV said Asiri was a 23-year-old Saudi whose brother Ibrahim was also on the wanted list.

It said the attacker concealed the explosives in his anus, allowing him to evade detection.

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