Sunday, September 27, 2009

China formally begins probe into U.S. chicken parts

Nice ! Maybe some of our Highly overpaid , FatCat ,politicians , Can see through the Haze they have been surrounded by , And start an investigation into everything Chinese .
With the ongoing Cyber attacks and the onslaught of lead tainted goods that have come from China , We should not be importing any of their products !
If the Dumbass's in D.C , really wanted to help with the Economy , They would stop Chinese imports , And let the "Former" Manufacturing sector of the U.S. Help take back our Jobs !

BEIJING (Reuters) - China on Sunday formally launched an anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigation into chicken parts imports from the U.S., two days after U.S. lawmakers agreed to end a gag order that prevented the U.S. from even considering importing Chinese cooked poultry.

China had said it would investigate chicken wings and feet, as well as automotive imports from the U.S., immediately after the Obama administration decided to impose hefty "safeguard" duties on Chinese-made tires.

"The Ministry of Commerce believes that this case meets the legal conditions and has decided to conduct an investigation of unfair trade practices like dumping and subsidizing of U.S. chicken products," the ministry said, adding that the case had been requested by Chinese chicken producers.

"The case will be decided according to law and facts."

Maybe if we injected the chicken parts with some Lead , they would not mind eating them ?

The tire case marks the first time the U.S. has used a "safeguard" provision against a surge of Chinese imports, a clause China agreed to when it joined the World Trade Organization. The duties took effect on Saturday, immediately after the conclusion of the G20 summit in Pittsburgh.

Good ! I don't mind paying a little more for My Tires .

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