Monday, September 28, 2009

Ex-Juárez officer is held in 18 deaths

It is Hard to Crack down on the Cartels When The Cops are working for them !

El Paso Times
A former Juárez police officer suspected in 18 murders and belonging to a drug cartel cell was one of multiple arrests during the weekend by the Mexican army, military officials said Sunday.

Ex-officer Miguel Angel Delgado Carmona, 39, and suspected accomplice Roberto Gonzalez Lazalde, 34, were captured Saturday afternoon after a vehicle chase following an extortion attempt of a Juárez funeral home, officials with Joint Operation Chihuahua said.

Soldiers with the Fourth Infantry Battalion began chasing the van moments after four men had delivered a note to the funeral home stating "Call today (a telephone number) without excuse, attention La Linea."

Two of the men exited the Dodge Caravan at a street corner and escaped.

But soldiers captured Delgado and Gonzalez, who allegedly confessed to belonging to a cell of La Linea, as the Juárez drug cartel is known. The cell killed rivals with the Sinaloa cartel and would extort payments from various businesses.

Delgado, alias "El Chango" (the monkey), is accused of killing 18 people and taking part in locating 80 other homicide victims since Sept

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