Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Munich police detain 2 islamic terrorists at Oktoberfest

Over the weekend, Munich police have detained two islamic terrorists who are linked to the recent al Qaida threats against Germany. A day before Germany's elections, al Qaida spokesman, Abu Talha, threatened Germany. The two terrorists detained by Munich police have ties to Abu Talha.

The terrorists have not been charged with anything and are being help temporarily. Bloomberg

Sept. 28 (Bloomberg) -- Munich police restricted car traffic at the Oktoberfest and detained two Islamic extremists after al-Qaeda threats against Germany suggested the world’s largest beer festival may be a terror target.

The detainees have links to Abu Talha, an al-Qaeda spokesman who urged Germans in a video before yesterday’s election to vote for pulling German troops out of Afghanistan, Munich police spokesman Peter Reichl said by phone today.[...]

“We’ve looked at the six videos,” Reichl said. “We took the measures after one of them showed an image of the Oktoberfest and Harrach talked about Muslims needing to stay home for two weeks after the election.”

Abu Talha, also known as Bekay Harrach, knows one of the detainees and had contacts with the other through a third person, Reichl said. They were detained in Munich on the weekend and will be held until the Oktoberfest ends, he said.


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