Friday, October 30, 2009

Al Shabaab whipped women for not wearing...socks

First al Shabaab groped women to make sure they weren't wearing bras. Now they're whipping women for not wearing socks. What's the next article of clothing they'll be checking, panties?

(CNN) -- Militants who control parts of Somalia's capital city are beating women in broad daylight for violating their radical brand of Islamic law, according to local officials and witnesses in Mogadishu.

"Just today, Al-Shabaab dispatched men with whips to the streets around Bakara market and they are flogging any woman who is found not wearing socks," according to a female maize trader at the Mogadishu market, who spoke Thursday.[...]

In the past two days, more than 130 people, including women who were not wearing headscarves and men chewing dried khat leaves, have been detained for violating Al-Shabaab's interpretation of sharia, or Islamic law, according to witnesses and officials.
Not to mention al Shabaab killed a Christian woman for not wearing a veil.

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