Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Beyonce cancels concert in Malaysia due to radical muslim threats

Any excuse to post hot Beyonce pictures on Report on Arrakis.

Beyonce has indefinitely postponed a concert in Malaysia after receiving complaints from a group of radical muslim clerics from the Pan-Malaysian Islamic party. Whats up with Malaysians complaining about hot chicks (ie. Rhiana and Beyonce) going there to perform?

Beyonce has postponed a concert in Malaysia following complaints by conservative Muslims that the show would be "immoral" and promote "Western sexy performances".

Show organiser Marctensia confirmed the move yesterday but denied bowing to pressure from the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party, insisting the move was "solely (the) decision of the artist and has nothing to do with other external reasons".

1 comment:

Dinah Lord said...

Remember when these nutjobs fined the Pussycat Dolls?


Are we beginning to see a pattern here?