Friday, October 9, 2009

How Iran is helping the taliban

The Mullahs in Iran gave aid, supplies and training to terrorists fighting US troops in Iraq. But they also give aid, and supplies to the taliban fighting US and NATO troops in Afghanistan.

The Mullahcracy has been supplying the taliban with RPGs, ammunition, money and even explosively formed penetrators (EFPs) which were used extensively against US troops in Iraq. US intelligence also believes that Iran is supplying the taliban with surface to air missiles.


From Live Leak

A soldier from 7th Group Special Forces finds rocket propelled grenades in a hard-core Taliban village that he knows from experience, are made in Iran.

"Like right here, it says 82 mm "h-e" lot 02 slash 87," the solider said. "The Iranians pretty much copy all of our ordinance, pretty much verbatim. They'll even put English writing on there. But these lot numbers you'll never see a U.S. lot number like that."

The find confirms what U.S. commanders and troops in Afghanistan are seeing more often - a rise in the level of cooperation between Iran and the Taliban.

U.S. military officials have told CBS News that Iran is sending money and weapons onto the Afghan battlefield. But U.S. commanders are not allowed to comment publicly and it's unclear to them what the U.S. strategy is for dealing with Iran's increasingly deadly involvement.

The deadliest form of roadside bomb on the Iraqi battlefield - explosively formed penetrators (EFPs) - is now being found in Afghanistan.

Lethal armor piercing bombs that can slice through U.S. humvees are also an Iranian specialty.

More worrying still: U.S. intelligence believes Iran is supplying surface to air missiles to the Taliban - the very same weapon the U.S. supplied to the Afghan resistance to bring down the Russians.


Anonymous said...

Why are we not bombing Iran already

Unknown said...

Obama hearts the mullahs. We had achance to help theiranians overthrow the mullahs but president Obama did nothing.

Seems like the list of places to bomb keeps growing