Wednesday, October 28, 2009

More about Tahawwur Rana and the Mickey Mouse Project

Well, it's snowing like crazy here this morning so I grabbed a cup of coffee and curled up with the Tahawwur Rana criminal complaint and my trusty pink high-lighter. (Wading through documents so you don't have to, possums! Who loves you better than Dinah?)

My notes: Looks like Rana folded like a cheap lawn chair when the feds got to him. ---->

Keeping in mind that all parties are innocent until proven guilty and that the accused have a right to face their accusers in court - let me just say that in my opinion they got this sucker dead to rights. Well, until some moonbat lawyer steps in and starts manipulating our justice system against us, that is. Be that as it may, let's proceed.

Several things:

1.) Rana and his co-jihadis, Individual A (Headley) and Individual B and L-E-T member A were a small cell that was dedicated to committing jihad - this time with a twist. Instead of Muslims from other countries attacking the Great Satan, Muslims from the Great Satan were going to reverse engineer an attack on Europe, specifically Denmark, in revenge for the Mohammed cartoons. (Nothing like holding a grudge is there?)

And when I say they were dedicated to this cause - they continued their plotting despite numerous setbacks. For example: When L-e-T decided they had bigger jihadi fish to fry by targeting India, our intrepid cell persevered and kept trying to badger al qaeda man Ilyas Kashmiri of the HUJI as a resource. When he was reportedly killed in a Predator Drone attack (bwa-ha-ha) they decided to continue on their own. Until they heard the news that Kashmiri was alive and well - at that point co-conspirator Headley's final trip to Pakistan was booked.

2.) They had the means (although the source of their $ was not identified in the complaint). They had the methods. Between the $, the INTERNET - google, orbitz, expedia, gmail, yahoo mail and message boards, Rana's cover as an "upstanding citizen" in the community, his Immigration Company/Halal Slaughterhouse/grocery, their multiple targets, and all their double secret codes they had a good jihadi gig going. They had the motive - I mean come on, they are Muslim. What other motive could they possibly need? And last but not least, through Headley's American citizenship they had the opportunity to travel the world freely as can be evidenced in the number of trips taken between late 2008 to present.

3.) Drones work dammit! Recorded emails and phone conversations reveal the dear boys were heartbroken and distressed by the effectiveness of the Predator drones. They lamented at length how "they were shutting everything down". Boo-hoo-hoo.

To summarize further:

(continue reading at Dinah Lord)

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