Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Calypso Louis Farrakhan: "Don't drink the H1N1 Vaccine..."

Calypso louis aka The Charmer

NOI's Calypso Louie is at it again.

<-- Before he became the Prophet's Handmaiden and Muslim MegaStar, Louis was just "The Charmer".

Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan told an audience in Memphis he believes the H1N1 flu vaccine was developed to kill people, a witness said.

Farrakhan, 76, spoke for nearly three hours Sunday at a gathering to observe the religious group's Holy Day of Atonement, which also marked the 14th anniversary of the Million Man March in Washington, the (Memphis) Commercial Appeal reported, citing a source who attended the speech.

"The Earth can't take 6.5 billion people. We just can't feed that many. So what are you going to do? Kill as many as you can. We have to develop a science that kills them and makes it look as though they died from some disease," Farrakhan said, adding that many wise people won't take the vaccine.

Other wise words from Louie:


It appears there is a genocidal plan against black people.

The Jews don't like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a very great man.

They call them terrorists, I call them freedom fighters.

And who can forget this old chestnut:

"Louis Farrakhan said he wants the Nation of Islam to file a class-action lawsuit on behalf of crack addicts if his group's lawyers find evidence that CIA operatives funneled crack cocaine into America's black communities. The suit also would include the families of crack addicts "and those who have been victimized by crime as a result of the crack addicts,"

Or this:

"the AIDS epidemic is a result of doctors, especially Jewish ones, who inject the AIDS virus into blacks."

And don't forget this one:

"The God who taught me calls the white man the skunk of the planet earth."

Must I remind you who "The Charmer" endorsed for President in the 2008 election?

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