Tuesday, October 20, 2009

UN: Counter-terrorism measure could hurt the feelings of trans-genders

“Enhanced immigration controls that focus attention on male bombers who may be dressing as females to avoid scrutiny make transgender persons susceptible to increased harassment and suspicion.”

God forbid we hurt the feelings of transgenders while trying to prevent a terrorist attack perpetrated by a cross dressing islamic terrorist with C4 explosives stuck up his ass. CNS News

(CNSNews.com) – A report by U.N. Special Rapporteur Martin Scheinin that is awaiting approval by the United Nations General Assembly says that security measures taken to detect terrorists "risk unduly penalizing transgender persons whose personal appearance and data are subject to change.”

The report, which was issued August 3, places emphasis on "persons of diverse sexual orientation and gender identities" and recommends that counterterrorism operations be more sensitive to gender issues.[...]

Scheinin writes that “counter-terrorism measures that involve increased travel document security, such as stricter procedures for issuing, changing and verifying identity documents, risk unduly penalizing transgender persons whose personal appearance and data are subject to change.”

“This,” he claims, “jeopardizes the right of persons of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities to recognition before the law”

1 comment:

stuiec said...

Because, obviously, the feelings of transgendered persons are paramount, far outweighing the right of ordinary citizens not to be blown to tiny bits.