Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Execution set for DC sniper John Allen Muhammad

Well if my calculations are correct , this piece of shit is already dead !
I Personally believe lethal Injection is way to kind Hearted of an Execution for A murderer of this Caliber , cruel and unusual punishment was never considered for the 10 people Muhammed and Malvo killed ! Why should we consider it for them ?
A nice slow electrocution would be more fitting , or even a firing Squad ! ( Which by the way is still a choice for execution in a few States !)

JARRATT, Va. — Virginia's governor refused to spare the life of John Allen Muhammad and cleared the way for his execution Tuesday night for the sniper attacks in 2002 that left 10 dead and spread such fear people were afraid to go shopping, cut grass or pump gas.

The three-week killing spree in Virginia, Maryland and Washington, D.C., was carried out with a teenage accomplice who is serving life in prison without parole. Muhammad, 48, was to die by injection at 9 p.m. after he exhausted his court appeals and Gov. Tim Kaine denied clemency.

Muhammad's attorneys had asked Kaine to commute his sentence to life in prison because they said he was severely mentally ill.

"I think crimes that are this horrible, you just can't understand them, you can't explain them," said Kaine, a Democrat known for carefully considering death penalty cases. "They completely dwarf your ability to look into the life of a person who would do something like this and understand why."

Muhammad was sentenced to death for killing Dean Harold Meyers at a gas station in northern Virginia. He and his accomplice, Lee Boyd Malvo, also were suspected of fatal shootings in Alabama, Arizona, Louisiana and Washington state.

Prosecutors chose to put Muhammad and Malvo on trial in Virginia first because of the state's willingness to execute killers. He and Malvo were also convicted of six other murders in Maryland and both were sentenced to six life terms.

The death penalty was later ruled out for Malvo because the U.S. Supreme Court barred the execution of juveniles, who was 17 during the killing spree.

1 comment:

Dinah Lord said...

He deserved the death penalty. Unfortunately, it was still better than his victims got.

May he burn in hell.