Monday, November 9, 2009

Ft. Hood Jihadi: All lawyered up and no place to go "to get a fair trial"

As predicted here, authorities have not been able to interview the shooter because he was in the process of getting a lawyer "who could protect his rights". (Just like the rights of all the dead and wounded have been protected from the Muslim Major, I guess.) Who's footing the bill is what I want to know...

Ret. Col John P. Galligan --->

The lawyer for the Army psychiatrist accused in a deadly shooting spree at Fort Hood said Monday he asked investigators not to question his client and expressed doubt that the suspect would be able to get a fair trial, given the widespread attention to the case.

Retired Col. John P. Galligan said he was contacted Monday by Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan's family and was headed to an Army hospital in San Antonio to meet Hasan. "Until I meet with him, it's best to say we're just going to protect all of his rights," Galligan said.


Galligan questioned whether Hasan could get a fair trial in either criminal or military court, given President Barack Obama's planned visit to the base on Tuesday and public comments by the post commander, Lt. Gen. Robert Cone.

"You've got his commander in chief showing up tomorrow," Galligan said. "That same kind of publicity naturally creates an issue as to whether you find a fair and impartial forum, whether that's in the military or even if it were in a federal forum."

Read more about John P. Galligan here.

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