Friday, November 6, 2009

Iran test advance nuke warhead

The IAEA has released a document which shows that Iran had tested an advance nuclear warhead design. The advanced design uses a technique known as two-point detonation which allows for a smaller nuclear warhead.

But don't worry, Iran's nuclear program is for peacefuuuuuuul purposes. The testing of the advanced nuclear warhead design was done for educationaaaaaaaaaal purposes.

Move along sheeple. Guardian

The very existence of the technology, known as a "two-point implosion" device, is officially secret in both the US and Britain, but according to previously unpublished documentation in a dossier compiled by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Iranian scientists may have tested high-explosive components of the design. The development was today described by nuclear experts as "breathtaking" and has added urgency to the effort to find a diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear crisis.[...]

Documentation referring to experiments testing a two-point detonation design are part of the evidence of nuclear weaponisation gathered by the IAEA and presented to Iran for its response.

The dossier, titled "Possible Military Dimensions of Iran's Nuclear Program", is drawn in part from reports submitted to it by western intelligence agencies.[...]

Another western specialist with extensive knowledge of the Iranian programme said: "It raises the question of who supplied this to them. Did AQ Khan [a Pakistani scientist who confessed in 2004 to running a nuclear smuggling ring] have access to this, or is it another player?"

1 comment:

#1 infidel said...

But El Baradei , said there is nothing to fear from Iran !
All Happy ,Happy ,Joy ,Joy !