Monday, November 9, 2009

The Islamic Jihad and the Obama administration...

Whose side are these people on? No, I mean really.

First, we had Obama's totally lame and pathetic remarks about Ft. Hood. I'm sure you've read all about them by now. Then we had General Casey with his boneheaded remarks on the Sunday Talk show circuit. Not to be outdone, Homeland Security Sec Janet Napolitano (aka 'Pat" - haha, Miss J.) has been off in the U.A.E. for no freaking apparent reason assuring the Muslims that she was 'working to prevent an anti Islamic backlash'. I won't even begin to get into the nonsense psychobabble being spewed by US MSM outlets in their attempt to whitewash the whole attack. It's really too depressing.

Now we get the word that Attorney General Holder will be the keynote speaker at a function that includes those shit disturbers CAIR.

Attorney General Eric Holder has agreed to give a keynote speech next week to a Michigan group which includes the local branch of the Council on American-Islamic Relations even though the FBI has formally severed contacts with the controversial Muslim civil rights organization.

On Nov. 19, Holder is scheduled to speak in Detroit to the first annual awards banquet of Advocates and Leaders for Police and Community Trust, a coalition of several dozen law enforcement and community groups. An online registration form includes the Council on American Islamic Relations-Michigan on a list of “official & participating organizations.”

A spokeswoman for ALPACT confirmed that CAIR is a member of the coalition.

“CAIR has been involved for a while,” said Chandra McMillion, community development facilitator for ALPACT. “CAIR is listed as an official member.”

I ask you again, whose side are these people really on?

Oh, and about all that Muslim harrassment the Ft. Hood Jihadi's shocked and disbelieving family claimed he suffered?

Muslim Veterans Group Says No Reports of Harassment of Islamic Soldiers

Abdul-Rashid Abdullah, deputy director of the American Muslim Armed Forces and Veterans Affairs Council, told that the nonprofit group has not received a single report recently of a U.S. soldier being harassed "simply because he was Muslim."

"That kind of report is inconsistent with what we've heard," Abdullah said prior to a press conference in Washington to denounce Thursday's shooting at Fort Hood, Texas, that left 13 dead and 38 wounded. Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, a 39-year-old Army psychiatrist who was reportedly due to be deployed later this month, is accused in the mass shooting.

Abdullah said his organization, which condemned the "unspeakable" attack, serves "several thousand" Muslim soldiers.


#1 infidel said...

What a shame , I will be in Detroit on the 19 , But not until 11:00 pm !
I often wonder the same thing , who's side are these Assclowns on !
It seems like they want to hand everything over to " Muslim Control "
Just so they can make Muslims feel better ! all the while disenfranchising the rest of the United States !

Dinah Lord said...

Darn it #1! It would have been so great to have an on the scene report from this event.

It is open to the public if there are any Detroit ROA'ers in the crowd who CAN attend!