Monday, November 9, 2009

Italy: Feminist calls Mohammed a pedophile and a polygamist. Fatwa in 5...4...3...

Santanche2 Hoo boy. This sounds like a real Islam-o-Jerry Springer TV moment. Complete with the producers quickly distancing themselves from the remarks - to avoid being sentenced to a flogging or something...

From AKI:

Italian feminist and former far right-wing MP Daniela Santanche (ed. note: seen left) has sparked a controversy after calling the Prophet Mohammed a "a polygamist and paedophile" during a TV debate. Santanche appeared on a television programme aired on the commercial channel, Canale 5 with the president of Milan's Islamic centre, Ali Abu Schwaima, on Sunday.

"Mohammed was a polygamist and a paedophile because he had nine wives, one of whom was only nine years old, that is a historical fact," said Santanche.

A former MP for the post-fascist National Alliance party, Santanche now leads the far-right La Destra party. Her remark incensed Schwaima and Muslims in the audience, who had been invited to take part in a debate on the contentious issue of placing crucifixes in Italian classrooms after last week's ban by the European Court of Human Rights.

"Why don't we talk about serious things, not about your disgusting comments," he shouted at Santanche. Santanche continued to shout back: "For us, Mohammed was a paedophile."

"You're just showing the ignorance of people like you who have no other arguments to use," bellowed Schwaima, jabbing his finger at her. He claimed the crucifix should not be removed from classrooms in Italy. "For us, Christ was one of the five main prophets and we respect him, like the crucifix." (Ed. Note: In this case, the crucifix is what will be used for the camel to get his nose under the tent.)

But Santanche was not appeased by Schwaima's remark. "We will never listen to Mohammed, who was a polygamist and a paedophile," screeched Santanche.

Studio ushers were seen physically restraining an irate, bearded member of the audience from lunging at her.

The rest of the story can be found here.

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