Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Radical Islam abusing democracy

"Radical Islamic elements are abusing the democratic tools given to them by European countries in order to incite, escalate and worsen the relations within those countries and between those countries and other countries, and increase and encourage anti-Semitic incidents,"

I would add that radical islamists are inciting hatred towards any non-muslim. But what Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said is pretty much spot on.

From Ynet News

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman sent a warning Monday to European countries while visiting Denmark[...]

Lieberman added, "Today we are once against facing those who want and threaten to destroy the Jews, not only those living in Israel. The Iranian regime funds the terrorist activity in the world in general and against Jews in particular.

"The State of Israel is responsible for all Jewish communities in the world, and all the Jewish communities in the world are responsible for the State of Israel. This cooperation is important to stop this threat. The battle against the Iranian threat is the biggest challenge the democratic world must to face today."

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