Saturday, January 16, 2010

Speaking of photos: Have you seen the cover of the DOD's report on Ft. Hood?


In my view, it speaks volumes about the politically correct, whitewashed mumbo jumbo contained within "Protecting the Force: Lessons from Fort Hood".

The cover shows two arms clasped - the slightly darker skinned one (islamist?) on the top grasping the lighter skinned one (infidel?) on the bottom.

Islamic terrorist Hasan is referred to as a "gunman" and the "alleged perpetrator", the terror attack is referred to as an "incident" and their review "focused on the non-criminal aspects of the tragedy". By jove, our first responders were magnificent though!

What a joke.

86 pages and I could only find one mention of Islam and its derivatives (Islamic, Islamist and Muslim)- and it was in a freaking footnote!

What a disgrace to the memory of those killed and to the suffering of those who were wounded.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least they ruled out pink alien space fairies! But seriously, we have the White Wizard and that's gotta count for something right?