Friday, February 12, 2010

Iran using Chinese high tech trucks to counter protests

No wonder China does not endorse sanctions to the Mullahcracy. China is one of Iran's largest trading partners.

“it appears that they will be used in the suppression of people’s protests today.” Suppression may be a bit of an understatement since the armored vehicles are apparently “equipped with water cannons that can douse people with boiling water or teargas.”

One Iranian opposition site reports that the vehicles “have a capacity of 10,000 liters to shoot cold and hot water, and three 100 liter tanks to shoot burning chemical liquids” at a distance of up to 70 meters. Manufactured by Dalian Eagle-Sky Co., the vehicles cost an estimated $650,000. The site also said that “a lot of extra burning liquid, paint, and tear gas was purchased” in addition to the vehicles.

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