Wednesday, February 10, 2010

US drops Iran diplomacy

Iran dropped diplomacy with the US almost 31 years ago to this date. The mullahcracy will not change it's objective of obtaining nuke weapons and spreading their islamic revolution across the world because of The One's charm and brilliant smile. Mail and Guardian

Iran has greeted last week's news of United States plans to station missile defences in neighbouring Arab states with a stony official silence. But there are fears that the move could strengthen the hardliners in Tehran. [...]

The Islamic regime has been given the clearest sign yet that the Obama administration's tentative policy of diplomatic engagement has been unequivocally scrapped in favour of a reversion to the hard-nosed confrontation that has been standard fare between the two countries for the past 30 years.

US officials have privately admitted this in recent weeks, citing the brutal crackdown on the opposition Green Movement and what they see as ­continued Iranian intransigence in failing to accept a Western proposal to resolve the standoff over Iran's uranium enrichment programme.

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