Thursday, April 15, 2010

Awlaki Hunt Ratchets Up

I would much rather see this Asshole with a dozen or so Good old fashioned American Bullets pumped into his body !
But alive would be O.K also .

The hunt is heating up for US-born terror suspect and cleric Anwar al-Awlaki.

In its strongest statement yet, a diplomat for the Yemen government told Fox News it considers Awlaki a “fugitive” and wants him for questioning regarding “recent ties with Al Qaeda figures.”

The diplomat also told Fox Yemen Yemen is “addressing the findings linking Awlaki” to last year’s Fort Hood shootings and the Christmas bombing attempt.

It is believed Awlaki is hiding in southern Yemen.

The White House has reportedly signed off on a “kill or capture “ order targeting Awlaki for his terror associations.

A western diplomat in Sana’a has revealed to Fox News Awlaki is now considered to be fully “operational” as a terrorist, and that he is involved in “the recruitment of volunteers, the conception of acts, and their implementation.”

Awlaki is thought to be, according to the diplomat, in the “upper tier” of Yemen’s Al Qaeda chapter, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

Now, it appears, both the US AND Yemen have put Awlaki in the “upper tier” of their "Most Wanted" lists.

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