Monday, June 28, 2010

Goce satellite views Earth's gravity in high definition

Photographing Gravity ?
Supposedly this will help Climatologists in their evaluation of Global warming , Al Gore will be all over this one , If he has some time out of his Busy Massage Schedule !

It is one of the most exquisite views we have ever had of the Earth.

This colourful new map traces the subtle but all pervasive influence the pull of gravity has across the globe.

Known as a geoid, it essentially defines where the level surface is on our planet; it tells us which way is "up" and which way is "down".

It is drawn from delicate measurements made by Europe's Goce satellite, which flies so low it comes perilously close to falling out of the sky.

Scientists say the data gathered by the spacecraft will have numerous applications.

One key beneficiary will be climate studies because the geoid can help researchers understand better how the great mass of ocean water is moving heat around the world.

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