Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Women reportedly recruited for cartel killings

No you even have to watch the women in Mexico , what a mess , and the final tally for this past weekend 51 , Not a record but like I said what a mess !

51 between Friday and Sunday , with 24 all on Sunday , And then another 9 today by Noon !

El Paso Times
An alleged hit man told Mexican federal police that beautiful young women are working as killers for the Juárez drug cartel.

"They have to look good to deceive our opponents," Rogelio Amaya Martínez said in a videotaped interview by Mexico's Ministry of Public Safety. Amaya, 27, is one of five men arrested Thursday in Juárez and accused of being a cartel hit squad that killed two federal police officers in separate attacks earlier this month.

Amaya, who appears relaxed in the video while answering questions from a woman off screen, said there are 20 to 30 women working as sicarias, or hit women. El Universal newspaper in Mexico placed the video online.

The female assassins range in age from 18 to 30, and they work alongside men in cells of La Linea, as the Juárez drug cartel is known, Amaya said. A recruiter selects the women, he said.

Cells are assigned to different jobs - such as halcones (lookouts), hit squads and extortionists - and operate independently. The hit women are trained to use rifles and handguns and sometimes accompany their male counterparts.

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