Monday, November 8, 2010

46 terrorists to go free in UK

That will fix it, Just tell them they are supposed to be good people now, everything will be O.K..

Move along Sheeple.

the Straits Times
AT LEAST 46 convicted terrorists who have been either released from prison or are close to being freed 'pose a risk' to the public and face tight new controls on their freedom, a secret British Government document has disclosed.

The London Daily Telegraph on Monday reported that at least 20 convicted terrorists have been freed from jail this year after completing their sentences, while another 26 will be eligible for release over the next two years.

Amid warnings from security officials about the threat posed by freed extremists, the British Ministry of Justice has issued probation officers with orders permitting significant limits on their clients' freedom, said the Telegraph, which has seen a copy of the document.

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