Monday, June 20, 2011

Pakistani Girl Forced to Wear Suicide Vest

The religion of peace strikes again, sort of.

A nine year old girl forced to wear a suicide vest in Pakistan, this is outrageous.

Good thing the girl got away in time, but the perps also got away. hopefully they will be found and have their ass's packed with explosives and blown up on the outskirts of town or something.

Islam the religion of Murderous douchebags.


A 9-year-old girl who was kidnapped on her way to school and forced to wear a suicide bomb vest managed to escape her captors Monday as they directed her to attack a paramilitary checkpoint in northwest Pakistan, both she and police officials said.

Sohana Jawed, dressed in a blue and white school uniform, recounted her ordeal during a news conference with police in Lower Dir district. Militants in Pakistan have often used young boys to carry out attacks, but the use of young girls is rare.

Jawed, who is in third grade, was on her way to school in the northwest city of Peshawar on Saturday when she was grabbed by two women and forced into a car carrying two men, she said during the news conference.

Police in Peshawar said they are still trying to confirm her story.

One of the kidnappers put a handkerchief on her mouth that knocked her unconscious, Jawed said in an interview with a local TV station.

When she woke up and started crying, one of the women gave her cookies laced with something that again knocked her out, Jawed said. The next time she woke up she found herself in a strange home, she said.

"This morning, the women and men forced me to put on the heavy jacket and put me in the car again," said Jawed.

The suicide vest contained nearly 20 pounds of explosives and seemed to be designed to be set off remotely, Lower Dir police chief Salim Marwat told The Associated Press.

"Most likely it had to be detonated through a remote control since a minor was wearing it," he said.

The kidnappers brought her to a checkpoint run by the paramilitary Frontier Corps located about 6 miles outside Timergarah, the main town in Lower Dir district. When they got out of the car, she sprinted toward the paramilitary soldiers to show them what she was wearing, said Marwat.

"I got the chance to release my hand from the woman and run," said Jawed.

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