The daughter of hate preacher Omar Bakri, the guy who issued a death threat again Paul McCartney and threatened a 9/11 attack in England, leads a secret stripper life. Yasmin Fostok has performed in strip clubs across London and says she is "willing to go topless if the venue is right". The Sun
Busty Yasmin Fostok, 27, leads a secret life after rebelling against her fanatical Muslim dad — who rants against Western “depravity”.
She has performed in London pole dancing bars and gyrated half-naked in cages at club nights.
And she admitted: “I’m willing to go topless if the venue is right.”
She has toured as a “podium” dancer with a troupe called Ibiza Untouched, whipping up crowds of clubbers into a frenzy.
And she has even worked a fire-eating routine into her act.
A source close to Yasmin, who has a three-year-old son, said: “Bakri would have a heart attack if he saw his daughter on stage.
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