Monday, February 2, 2009

Venezuela: Armed gang occupied and desecrated Synagogue

"Never in the history of Venezuela's Jewish community have we been the target of such an aggression,"

Ever since Chavez started cozying up to Iran's Imanutjob, Venezuela's Jews have been exposed to increasing danger.

Hizbollah agents are operating inside Venezuela and have been targeting Jewish businessmen for kidnappings. In fact back in September, Israeli security forces foiled two kidnapping attempts by Hizbollah inside Venezuela.

During the recent Gaza conflict, Venezuela expelled the Israeli ambassador while Turkey was holding a suspicious Iranian shipment to Venezuela.
From BBC

An armed gang has ransacked the oldest Jewish synagogue in the Venezuelan capital Caracas after occupying the building for several hours.

About 15 unidentified men broke into the building before daubing graffiti on the walls and desecrating scriptures.

They also called for Jewish people to be expelled from the country. [...]

Elias Farache, president of Venezuela's Jewish Association, said the gang had tied and gagged security guards before destroying offices and the place where holy books were kept.

Anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli slogans were painted on the walls.

"Never in the history of Venezuela's Jewish community have we been the target of such an aggression," said Mr Farache.

"The climate is very tense. We feel threatened, intimidated, attacked."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Mullahcracy of Iran is a cancer upon the body of humanity; and this f**king cancer is metastasizing in South and Central America as it has in Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan and Sudan.

The allies ought to have dealt with the Mullahcracy of Iran before dealing with Saddam.