Tuesday, July 7, 2009

DC comic superheros to team up with muslim superheros

DC comic book superheros, Superman, Batman, and the Flash are to team up with muslim superheros the 99. So far it has not be announced what they'll battle against. Could be zionists, evil neo-cons, or negative muslim stereotypes. Your guess is as good as mine.

The 99 are a group of muslims who acquired superhuman abilities after coming in contact with mystical gems. IMO the funniest character is Batina The Hidden, who has powers of invisibility and camouflage, she is the only female character who wears a burqa. Fitting that the character who is invisible wears a burqa. The 99

H/T: Solomon

1 comment:

hellosnackbar said...

How can these characters be muslim superheros?
None are wearing suicide belts!