Monday, November 9, 2009

Chavez to Troops: Prepare for War With Colombia

Sounds like Hugo wants a war ! Prepare , Hugo , Prepare !

CARACAS, Venezuela — President Hugo Chavez on Sunday ordered Venezuela's military to prepare for a possible armed conflict with Colombia, saying his country's soldiers should be ready if the United States attempts to provoke a war between the South American neighbors.

Chavez said Venezuela could end up going to war with Colombia as tensions between them rise, and he warned that if a conflict broke out "it could extend throughout the whole continent."

"The best way to avoid war is preparing for it," Chavez told military officers during his weekly television and radio program. Venezuela's socialist leader has also cited a recent deal between Bogota and Washington giving U.S. troops greater access to military bases as a threat to regional stability.

There was no immediate reaction from either the Colombian or U.S. government, but in the past they have denied intentions to start a war with Venezuela and said the base deal is needed to fight the war on drugs and insurgents in Colombia, which is a major cocaine producer struggling with a decades-old internal conflict.

Tensions along the Venezuela-Colombia border have been exacerbated in recent weeks by a series of shootings and slayings.

Four men on motorcycles shot and killed two Venezuelan National Guard troops at a checkpoint near the border in Venezuela's western Tachira state last week, prompting Chavez's government to temporarily close some border crossings.

And last month, Venezuelan authorities arrested at least 10 people in Tachira alleging involvement in paramilitary groups. The bullet-ridden bodies of 11 men, nine of them Colombians, were also found last month in Tachira after being abducted from a soccer field.

1 comment:

Defensores de Democracia said...

Chavez drumming war against Colombia

The Bolivarian Revolution is a Great Failure : in Economics, Politics, Culture, etc ...

So Chavez is taking the easy route of Jingoism, Nationalism, and Chauvinism.

This is also called "Patrioterismo" or ridiculous, Idiotic, Imbecile Patriotism. Meaning Aggression and Vulgarity against other nations.

Venezuela has been invaded by Narcos, Mafia and Crime. Her cities have higher indexes of criminality than the Colombian cities that had the Powerful Drug Cartels of the past.

Each day several "Munñecos" or "Dolls" appear thrown out in the outskirts of Venezuelan cities. They are the corpses of the Mafia Wars.

Foodstuffs have to be imported from other nations, mainly from Colombia. When Chavez closes the border, then hundreds of little Colombian Ants ( the Poor and workers ) cross the rivers and creeks, with loads of foodstuffs and products like paper toilet in their backs, they are smuggling products that are scarce in Venezuela.

Venezuela has idiotic price controlls and so many products like milk, beans, meat, poultry, eggs, etc ... are scarce.

Corruption is rampant, the Government tries to implement State Distributions that favor the Chavistas, his family and the corrupt cronies.

There is no respect for private property. Next to a beautiful mansion or villa, you see shanty houses, ramshackle cabins of the poor and destitute. The Government allows and encourages these invasions of properties.

There is no respect for a Free Press, each day the enemies of Chavez see their TV or Radio Stations closed, their newspapers are finished.

I saw the mothers of the Venezuelan Soldiers crying for their sons, the last time that Chavez mobilized his troops.

They have reason to weep, because the Colombian Terrain, and the battleground in Colombia is extremely different from that of Venezuela. It is colder, mountainous, with very thick vegetation and ideal for ambush and guerrilla warfare.

The Colombian Army knows a lot about Guerrilla Ambush. The Venezuelan Army knows nothing.

But all that is unnecessary. The U. S. Force can destroy the Venezuelan Air Force in five minutes with Robot Airplanes ( drones ).

And the Colombian soldiers know how to maneuver airplanes in horrible mountains and thick vegetation with tall trees.

And I forgot something : It never stops raining. Nothing is dry in your equipment.

The Venezuelan mothers are very right and correct in their lamentations.

Their sons are going to die for a Demagogue like Alcibiades, that destroyed the Athenian Army in Sicily while promising easy conquests.

My prospects and futures for Latin America are dark. This is going to get worse and Americans should be on Yellow Alert. ( later Orange and Red alerts )

Please everybody in this Sad World : Let's be Vigilant attentive; watchful.

More Foreign Policies :

Vicente Duque