Monday, November 9, 2009

Ft. Hood Jihadi: So what did the Obama admin know and when did they know it?

Major-Hasan_Nov-5-9The Major parades around in his dishdasha and Muslim beanie the morning of the attack. --->

(Not that I'm jumping to conclusions or anything like that - but...)

Ft Hood Jihadi computer shows links to al Qaeda.

The money quote:

"The source speaking to this author confirmed that report but went further, stating that this and information similar but not directly related to such communications became a “political issue” between government agencies and officials “at the policy making levels” of the administration."

So it sounds like not only did US intelligence officials know the administration ALSO knew that Hasan had been trying to contact al Qaeda and THEY DID NOTHING - well, they did do something - back in May they promoted him.

I pray that Senator Lieberman's call for an inquiry into the Major's sudden jihadist tendencies meets with better success than Rep Pete Hoekstra has:

Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R-MI), the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, said that he requested the CIA and other intelligence agencies brief the committee on what was known, if anything, about Hasan by the U.S. intelligence community, only to be refused.

In response, Hoekstra issued a document preservation request to four intelligence agencies. The letter, dated November 7th, was sent to directors Dennis Blair (DNI), Robert Mueller (FBI), Lt. Gen Keith Alexander (NSA) and Leon Panetta (CIA).

Hoekstra said he is "absolutely furious" that the house intel committee has been refused an intelligence briefing by the DNI or CIA on Hasan's attempt to reach out to al Qaeda, as first reported by ABC News.

As far as the 'alleged' gunman terrorist goes, he has yet to be interviewed by authorities:

Investigators from the Army's Criminal Investigation Command and the FBI have been waiting to question Hasan as they try to establish a motive for the shooting and determine whether the suspect had any assistance or instigation from anyone else.

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