Monday, November 9, 2009

Ft. Hood Jihadi: Communicated with radical cleric and authorities knew it!

From the NY Slimes:

The communications, which were the subject of an inquiry by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Army investigators, provide the first indication that Major Hasan, an Army psychiatrist, was in direct communication with the cleric, who on Monday praised the major on his Web site, saying he “did the right thing.”.

Depending on the content of the communications, the disclosure of the government’s decision not to take any steps against Major Hasan could provoke criticism of the F.B.I. and Army investigators for missing possible warning signs that might have stopped a mass killing. (Ed.Note: Gee, ya think?)

But federal officials briefed on the case said they were convinced that their decision to break off the investigation was reasonable based on the information about Major Hasan that was compiled at the time, which they said gave no indication that he was likely to engage in violence.

Read the rest here.


#1 infidel said...

Hey Dinah ,
The unfortunate thing is that it has been the policy of the U.S. Military to hire as many "Muslims" Or people of Arab Descent , who speak Arabic ,as possible , so much so they are not really paying attention to who they are recruiting (Or they don't care ?) there has Obviously been some oversight to the whole situation ! and now we are faced with the "Real" possibility of having the "enemy" amongst our regular Military !
And now they can't do squat without a major Discrimination !lawsuit !

It makes you crazy thinking about it , you know !

Dinah Lord said...

It does make me crazy, #1 Infidel.